Heaven Sent
Author: NorHafsah Hamid
Publisher: Dar Al Wahi Publication, Iman Publication
ISBN: 9789670729138
Page: 384 m/s
Year: 2020
Price: RM32
Sarah is a Muslim girl faced with challenges and obstacles to remain true to her religion. Whilst she endures hardship, she also found friendship and love.
Jonah is the 'modern day' Romeo and enjoys the company of women but when he met Sarah, his whole world changed. Both are from different background and religion but yet their path kept crossing. Is it fate or just coincidence?
"A beautiful story by a beautiful soul. Another must read by Sister Hafsah"
Suzana Sulaiman, Author of Cinta Kita & Jodohku dan JanjiNya
"An intriguing title of love story but full of Islamic values. Such interesting read especially for young adults"
Mareena Mahyudin, Mother to three boys.
"This novel reminds me 'A Walk to Remember, a movie popularly acted by Mandy Moore. I find that the novel is light in nature, suitably targeted towards teenagers/young adults. I can see the values the writer meant to portray to readers. I will recommend your novel to my teen cousins for them to read."
Emmy Hermina Nathasia, Translator & Writer.
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