​How To Think Like A Philosopher

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How To Think Like A Philosopher

Author: Daniel Smith
Publisher: Michael O'Mara Books
ISBN: 9781789293180
Pages: 224pp
Year: 2021
Price: RM71

From Socrates to Sartre, Avicenna to Angela Davis, this accessible guide will get you up to speed on the world's greatest minds and help you to think like them.

You've heard of Plato, but do you understand his Theory of Forms? What does Ren? Descartes' maxim 'I think, therefore I am' actually mean? And how is philosophy relevant to modern life?

Drawing on the thoughts and words of iconic philosophers from the ancient world right through to the present day, each chapter deals with a specific philosophical theory. Explore the conflict between free will and determinism, the political concept of Machiavellianism, the difference between metaphysics and epistemology, and what dialectics actually is in this accessibly-written guide to the smartest minds in history.

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