Human Capital Development Issues in Malaysia

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Human Capital Development Issues in Malaysia

Author: Roziah Mohd Rasdi & Nor Wahiza Abdul Wahat
Publisher: UPM Press
ISBN: 9789673442928
Weight: 0.403kg
Pages: 250
Year: 2012
Price: RM52

Human Capital Development Issues in Malaysia is a book that provides a comprehensive review of issues in Malaysia, covering significant human resources development concepts and practices in various contexts including education, youths, employability, and the corporate world. It is ideal reading for human resources development majors, practitioners, professionals, and anybody who is interested to enhance their knowledge and understanding in this field. This book which builds on a foundation of research and theories addresses timely issues with a pleasant writing style and realistic examples. Each chapter will benefit the readers due to the author’s insights and reflection on contemporary issues which are critical for the sustainability of human potential and growth.

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