Ibn Hazm
Author: A.G. Chejne
Publisher: Kazi Publications
ISBN: 9780935782042
Pages: 340 pp
Year: 1988
Weight: 0.412kg
Price: RM112
Ibn Hazm of Cordova was a humanist par excellence and one of the intellectual giants in Islam. As a thinker, he had a great deal to say about the sciences recognising their interdependence and advocating a broad liberal education that combines the secular and the religious sciences. In this fresh approach, he establishes a hierarchy of the sciences, indicates their utility, and suggests the manner and extent of pursuing them without neglecting even those which he lables "spurious" such as astrology and al-chemy. One can hardly underestimate the great significance of such approach even in our time when humanistic studies tend to be relegated to a minor place in favor of technology and vocational disciplines.
Professor Chejne's work sheds light on the intellectual history of Islam in general and the position of sciences in Muslim Spain in particular. It deals with the place of Ibn Hazm in the intellectual history of Islam; the man, the scholar and his background; his doctrine of knowledge within an Islamic context; classification of the sciences; and his views on each one of them: religion, belles-lettres, language, history, philosophy, medicine, and others. The work concludes with a translation and Arabic edition of his Categories of the Sciences (Maratib al-'Ulum).
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