​Ibn Taymiyya

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Ibn Taymiyya

Author: Jon Hoover

Publisher: Oneworld Academic

ISBN: 9781786076892


Pages: 176pp


Price : RM152

Ibn Taymiyya (1263-1328) of Damascus was one of the most prominent and controversial religious scholars of medieval Islam. He called for jihad against the Mongol invaders of Syria, appealed to the foundational sources of Islam for reform, and battled against religious innovation. Today, he inspires such diverse movements as Global Salafism, Islamic revivalism and modernism, and violent jihadism. This volume synthesizes the latest research, discusses many little-known aspects of Ibn Taymiyya's thought, and highlights the religious utilitarianism that pervades his activism, ethics, and theology.

Jon Hoover is Associate Professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Nottingham. He specialises in Islamic intellectual history, medieval Islamic theology and philosophy, Christian-Muslim relations, and the thought of Ibn Taymiyya. He is the author of Ibn Taymiyya's Theodicy of Perpetual Optimism, and numerous articles and book chapters on Ibn Taymiyya's theology and ethics.

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