Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din: [Volume 3] The Revival of the Religious Sciences
Author: Al-Ghazali
Publisher: Islamic Book Trust (IBT)
ISBN: 9789670526171
Page: 440pp
Price: RM69
The book is a comprehensive encyclopaedia for all of a Muslim’s religious affairs, including beliefs, acts of worship, dealings and character, as well as for individual and societal welfare. Al-Ghazali’s style is that of one who practices what he knows, one who is determined to rise from the dry, ordinary manner of teaching to one which encourages action. Volume three focuses on the destructive vices and consists of ten books covering ‘The soul and its attributes’, ‘Disciplining the self’, ‘Breaking the two desires’, ‘Harms of the tongue’, ‘Anger, hatred and envy’, ‘Attachment to the world’, ‘Love for wealth’ , ‘Love for power and ostentation’ , ‘Pride and self-pride’ and ‘Condemnation of pride’.
Abu Hamid
al-Ghazali is a towering figure in Islam. His enormous influence can be
summarized, in the words of Annemarie Shimmel, as the one who “teaches… only to
help man to live a life in accordance with the sacred law, not by clinging
exclusively to its letter, but by an understanding of its deeper meaning …so
that he is ready for the meeting with his Lord at any moment.” His greatest
work Ihya Ulum al-Din (Revivification of the Sciences of Religion), comprising
forty books divided into four quarters of ten books each, has helped
generations towards this end until today.
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