Imam Al-Shafi’i In Quest Of Knowledge

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Imam Al-Shafi’i In Quest Of Knowledge

Author: Islahee Muhammad Yousuf
Translator: Abu Asad
Publisher: Islamic Book Trust
ISBN: 9789670526133
Pages: 98pp
Year: 2021
Price: RM17

In Quest of Knowledge is the story of Imam MuHammad ibn Idris al-Shafi‘i’s search for knowledge. The story revolves round a son whose sole mission in life is to acquire knowledge, a teacher who lovingly accepts him, and a widow who not only bears with the separation of her only son but also shares his passion for knowledge. Their innate nobility, their ability to suffer for a common cause, their intense love for the Prophet (saw) and
their infinite trust in Allah give them the dimensions of epic heroes.

The invaluable lesson which Imam al-Shafi‘i’s story teaches, although it may not have been his main objective, is that Allah befriends and watches over anyone who endeavours to acquire religious knowledge with the intention of disseminating it.

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