​Impacts Of Covid-19 Pandemic And Governance In Malaysia: With Lessons From The 1997-1998 Asian Financial Crisis

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Impacts Of Covid-19 Pandemic And Governance In Malaysia: With Lessons From The 1997-1998 Asian Financial Crisis

Authors:  Abdul Rahman Embong et.al 
Publisher: UM Press
ISBN: 9789674882204
Weight: 0.4 kg
Pages: 270
Year: 2022
Price: RM68

“The book is written in such a fashion as to document the crises’ impacts on peoples’ lives and how the respective governments of the day initiated measures to turn around
the situation with the resources and political discourse prevalent at the time….We hope it will stimulate conversation and encourage learning needed to strengthen
future preparedness and response initiatives, by informing policy-making and decision-making in times of crisis, and non-crisis.”
Niloy Banerjee
Resident Representative UNDP Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei Darussalam

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