Incoherence Of The Atheists

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Incoherence Of The Atheists

Author: M Jamal Haider
Publisher: Islamic Book Trust
ISBN: 9789672795063
Weight: 0.8 kg
Pages: 331pp
Year: 2022
Price: RM59

This book is a rational-logical rebuttal of atheism and discusses multiple aspects like the Theory of Evolution, Natural Selection, etc. It reveals how Evolution was known to Muslim scholars, centuries before Darwin. The book also discusses the Big Bang theory and its implications. It rationally negates the charges that atheism has levelled against religion and God. It finally rectifies and clarifies the idiosyncrasies atheism alludes to by discussing historical, socio-political and theological aspects. Why has atheism suddenly grown significant in recent times after thousands of years of insignificance or non-descript existence? This book succinctly establishes what the real reasons are. It clarifies universal existence and also the different stages of human existence.

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