Integrating Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) into Literature

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Integrating Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) into Literature

Author: Nuraihan Mat Daud, Nor Shidrah Mat Daud
Publisher: IIUM Press
ISBN: 9789674913199
Weight: 0.3kg
Pages: 188
Year: 2024
Price: RM60

This book is intended to provide its readers with information and ideas on how higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) are integrated into a second language curriculum. It focuses on the use of literary texts in developing students' language proficiency. The earlier chapters give an overview of the relevance of HOTS to language teaching and how the skills can be taught. This is followed by a chapter that is devoted to a study on HOTS integration in language classrooms. A MOOC course was developed for this purpose and applied in real classroom contexts. The information in this book will benefit teachers and students of English language proficiency courses, and researchers in the area of HOTS and language teaching.

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