​Islam And Economic Globalization

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Islam And Economic Globalization

Author: Hassanudeen Abd Aziz

Publisher: UM Press

ISBN: 978-983-100-488-3

Year: 2010

Weight: 0.100kg

Pages: 90 pp

Price: RM30

Concurrent debates amongst the advocators and opponents of globalization have taken place since its very inception. Potential in globalization has emerged amid a contradiction in its applications and operations. This book looks at the issues in the current global systems from the point of view of beneficiaries and losers. The author’s focus is directed at the agenda and those behind the concept and its current results to the populace.

In Part One, the author discusses the direct and indirect problems associated with the current globalization. In Part Two, he offers possible solutions to enable Muslim economies to move forward. This book aims to be an eye-opener on today’s concept of economic globalization.

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