Islam & Politics
Author: Mufti
Muhammad Taqi Usmani
Publisher: Turath Publishing UK
ISBN: 9781906949488
Year: 2017
Pages: 220pp
Weight: 0.297kg
Price: RM65.00
What does an authentic Islamic government look like and how
does it operate? In this concise but wide-ranging book the renowned scholar
Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani provides an authoritative survey of the guidance
given by the canonical Islamic sources in matters of politics. In six chapters
he examines: the role and conduct of politics and political activity in Islam
in the light of the Qur'an and the Prophetic Sunnah; the Islamic concept of
government; guidelines for the process of forming a government; rules and
procedures for running a government; the Islamic injunctions concerning defence
and foreign policy; and the circumstances in which it may become permissible to
remove a ruler or government from office. The book is rounded off with two
articles by the same author, on political affairs with specific reference to
Pakistan. Appendices The Constitution What is meant by an Islamic constitution?
The Islamic clauses of the constitution. Basic principles of an Islamic state.
Establishing a fair economic system.
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