Islam, Religion and Progress: Critical Perspectives

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Islam, Religion and Progress:  Critical Perspectives

Editors: Azhar Ibrahim Alwee, Mohamed Imran Mohamed Taib et. al 
Publisher: The Reading Group
ISBN: 9810555296
Pages: 186pp
Year: 2006
Price: RM25

This book offers insight and analyses by various thinkers, past and present, on factors that may promote or hamper the process of development and progress in society, with an emphasis on Muslim society. The are meant to provoke readers to dicuss, debate and contextualize the ideas presented according to the dominant thought and conditions of the present.

Foreword Noor Aisha Abdul Rahman

Preface Mohamed Imran Mohamed Taib

INTRODUCTION The Making of Progressive Religion Azhar Ibrahim Alwee

CHAPTER 1 Man in Society Fazlur Rahman

CHAPTER 2 Religion and the Integration of the Social Order Karl Mannheim

CHAPTER 3 The Rationalistic and Philosophical Spirit of Islam Syed Ameer Ali

CHAPTER 4 Backwardness and the Will to Think Syed Hussein Alatas

CHAPTER 5 The Danger of Incorrigible Conservatism Amir Shakib Arslan

CHAPTER 6 Negative Attitudes Towards Religion Shaharuddin Maaruf

CHAPTER 7 Consequences of Islamic Resurgence in Malaysia Chandra Muzaffar

CHAPTER 8 Religion and Prejudice Gordon W. Allport

CHAPTER 9 Why Didn’t the Scientific Revolution Happen in Islam? Pervez Hoodbhoy

CHAPTER 10 The Rights of Women in Islam Asghar Ali Engineer

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