​Islamic Family Law in a Changing World: A Global Resource Book

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Islamic Family Law in a Changing World: A Global Resource Book

Publisher: ZED Books

ISBN: 9781842770931

Pages: 320pp


Year: 2002

Price: RM150

This is a uniquely comprehensive and up-to-date volume spanning nine regions and 38 Islamic countries around the world. More than a billion Muslims have their lives governed by certain aspects of the Shari'a, commonly known as Islamic Family Law. But as this resource book points out, this does not mean that identical principles apply everywhere. In fact, as the contextual chapters which precede each country's legal profile make clear, the practical application of Shari'a principles is often modified by theological differences of interpretation, particular customary practices in the country concerned, and state policy and law.

This volume documents the scope and actual manner of application of Islamic Family Law worldwide. While changing social conditions make legal reform necessary, any strategy must be based first of all on the best possible factual foundations. Secondly, since Islamic Family Law has become contested ground between conservative forces and more liberal trends in most Islamic countries, reform must be conceived only in realistic terms and advocated in ways that motivate and empower potential supporters working in their own communities.

This work is a uniquely valuable resource for lawyers, social policymakers and scholars. It is also a contribution to the historical challenge which Islamic societies confront in reforming personal and family law.

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