Islamic Finance: The Challenges Ahead

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Islamic Finance: The Challenges Ahead

Author: Nafis Alam, Bala Shanmugam
Publisher: UPM Press
ISBN: 9833455829 
Page: 208 m/s
Year: 2007
Price: RM47

Islamic Finance: The Challenge Ahead is a collection of articles outlining Islamic finance challenges in Malaysia and around the region. These articles were initially presented at the 3rd International Islamic Banking and Finance Conference 2005 in Kuala Lumpur. There were carefully selected for their quality and originality. 

The book provides readers with new and contrasting views of challenges currently facing Islamic financial institutions. It can serve as a good text for students and practitioners of Islamic finance. It is designed primarily as a reference book. Researchers will no doubt find it very useful especially those chapters that provide up to date data on Islamic finance, which is so scanty and difficult to obtain. The book also provides a unique opportunity for readers to not only comprehend Islamic finance but also to understand how its future looks like and what role it would play in the global financial market.

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