​Islamic Thought in the Twentieth Century

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Islamic Thought in the Twentieth Century

Editor: Suha Taji-Farouki, Basheer M. Nafi

Publisher: I.B. Tauris

ISBN: 9781850437512

Weight: 0.451kg

Pages: 400

Year: 2004

Price : RM115

The first of its kind, this book provides in-depth discussions of Islamic thought across the twentieth century, encompassing the breadth of self-expression in Muslim communities world-wide. It explores key themes in modern Islamic thinking, including the social origins and ideological underpinnings of the late 19th- early 20th-century Islamic reformist project, nationalism in the Muslim world, Islamist attitudes towards democracy, Muslim perceptions and constructions of the West, and aspects of Muslim thinking on Christians and Jews. It examines these themes in terms of the historical, political and social conditions of the Muslim world, and its ongoing interactions with the West. An excellent source for students of modern and contemporary Islam, politics and international relations, and the modern history of Islamic societies, this book is essential reading for all professionals dealing with the Muslim world, whether in the media, in governmental and non-governmental agencies, or as politicians and diplomats.

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