Issues & Challenges In Personal Financial Planning
Author: Nuradli Ridzwan Shah Mohd Dali, Khairil Faizal Khairi
Publisher: USIM Press
ISBN: 9789674407049
Page: 156 m/s
Year: 2020
Price: RM38
There are many issues and challenges of personal finance especially in the modern world. This is true for those who want to have a better standard of living and in the same time adhering to the rules and regulations of Islam. Everyone has their own needs from necessities such as food, house for shelter, clothing and also for future well-being such investment in order to archive their objectives.
This book aims to increase the financial literacy and help you in managing your finances. Several pertinent issues such investment in Amanah Saham Bumiputera(ASB), housing issues and the concept of wealth management from Islamic perspectives are discussed with few case studies and solutions to help in achieving the financial objectives of readers. This book is suitable for Islamic planner practitioners, students, researchers and policy makers.
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