Journey to Islamicisation of Human Knowledge

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Journey to Islamicisation of Human Knowledge  

Editor: Md. Mahmudul Hasan, Abdul Rashid Moten
Publisher: IIUM Press
ISBN: 9789674913434
Weight: 0.3kg
Pages: 149
Year: 2024
Price: RM40

This festschrift is a tribute to the late Emeritus Professor Tan Sri Dr Mohd.
Kamal Hassan (1942-2023) in recognition of his impeccable standing within
academic circles. It contains contributions by an international panel of
scholars commemorating his work and contributions to the world of
knowledge. Kamal Hassan's abiding love of scholarship and concern about
the trajectory of modern education exhibited, among others, in his
involvement in establishing and leading International Islamic University
Malaysia (lUM) As discussed in different sections of this book, his
attachment to the university was unparalleled both in length and intensity.

His character traits, exemplary behaviour, and commendable leadership
were coupled with his educational philosophy rooted in moral sensibilities
and Islamic principles. As a human being, an academic, and a scholar, he
inspired many in academia and beyond. This volume caters to a general
readership as well as scholars and students interested in such topics as
IUM, Kamal Hassan, the islamic view of education, integration of knowiedge.
Malaysian studies, and decolonising education.

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