​Language And Culture In Multilingual Contexts: Pluriliteracies In Theory And Practice

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Language And Culture In Multilingual Contexts: Pluriliteracies In Theory And Practice

Author/Editor: Koo Yew Lie

Publisher: UKM Press

ISBN: 9789674121228

Weight: 300

Pages: 221


Price: RM45

One of the enormous challenges confronting societies, communities, governments and the individual is the question on the ways of teaching and learning so that citizens acquire the habitus, worldviews, values, attitudes, knowledge, literacies and strategies to become contributing members of society in increasingly competitive, culturally contested and unequal environments. In a broader commitment towards representing the cultural and linguistic possibilities of culturally diverse ways of being, ways of seeing-valuingdoing in inequitable contexts, this volume conceptualizes the notion of pluriliteracies in theory and practice. Pluriliteracies is the engagement with and use of multiple languages and cultural codes and forms involving cultural and language crossing and mixing in order for the situated global meaning maker to negotiate complexity, diversity and difference at any conjucture of meaning making. This volume contextualizes the changing contexts and conditions of literate engagement for the global meaning maker in term of compressed cultural globalisation which have necessitated situated pluriliteracy practices for participation in schooling, higher education, workplace and the community.

The writer concludes with a perspective on Mindful Pluriliteracies a perspective which argues for the vital regard of cultural diversity, one which challenges the current excessive deference of litercy towards the hegemonic values of the marketplace.

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