Learning on Tourism Demand, Economic Growth and Environment in Asean
Author: Nur Fadzlunnisaa' Wakimin, Azlina Abd Aziz & Mohamad Zuber Abd Majid
Publisher: UKM Press
ISBN: 9789672519546
Weight: 0.295
Pages: 194pp
Year: 2022
Price: RM35.00
Currently, tourism has gained a crucial role in ASEAN countries in economic development and environmental challenges. Using data of ASEAN-5 countries in the period of 1970-2014, this book contributes to the literature on tourism demand in four ways. Firstly, it explores the link between important variables in Malaysia using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach. Secondly, it explores the tourism demand with applying a Pooled Mean Group (PMG) approach together with the Johansen approach for co-integration. Third, it examines the integration of the tourism industry using the Granger causality by adhering to the approach that has been initiated by Toda Yamamoto. Fourth, it evaluates the tourism sector using ARDL and nonlinear ARDL methods. In conclusion, the effect of the linkages between tourism demand, economic growth, and the environment across the ASEAN-5 countries presents mixed conclusions in both long and short-run relationships. This book has suggested certain unique characteristics and the manner of how each tourism policy and theory are designed, along with the diversity of economic background and the unique experience at each country level, which precisely explains the diversity in the findings.
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