Lets Language And Education Trends (Volume 3)
Author: Norhana Abdullah, Mohd Muzhafar Idrus
Publisher: USIM Press
ISBN: 9789674407162
Page: 184 m/s
Year: 2020
Price: RM40
Language and Education Trends Volume 3 (LETs Vol.3) presents chapters related to language and education with a focus on English language teaching and learning.
The areas covered should be of interest to language and education practitioners involved in new perspectives on tried and tested methodologies, emerging issues and trends , thinking skills, use of technology, language acquisition and new research paradigm on linguistics and sociolinguistics in language education.
The chapters discuss theories that reinforce the practices in language education and outline the findings that strengthen the important roles of language and education in nurturing humanity.
The researches showcased stretched across different contexts of Malaysia, Jordan and Libya.
The book essentially upholds the fundamentals at the same time embraces the cutting edge in language and education fields.
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