​Letters to a Young Muslim

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Letters to a Young Muslim

Author: Omar Saif Ghobash
Publisher: Picador
ISBN: 9781509842605
Pages: 245pp
Year: 2018
Price: RM82

'A powerful celebration of common humanity and compassion . . . deserves to be read widely by people of all faiths and none' - Sunday Times

In a series of personal and insightful letters to his sons, Omar Saif Ghobash offers a vital manifesto that tackles the dilemmas facing not only young Muslims but everyone navigating the complexities of today’s world.

Full of wisdom and thoughtful reflections on faith, culture and society. This is a courageous and essential book that celebrates individuality whilst recognising it is our shared humanity that brings us together.

Written with the experience of a diplomat and the personal responsibility of a father; Ghobash’s letters offer understanding and balance in a world that rarely offers any. An intimate and hopeful glimpse into a sphere many are unfamiliar with; it provides an understanding of the everyday struggles Muslims face around the globe.

'Full of brave questions and wisdom' - Ed Husain, author of The Islamist

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