Letters To Young Writers

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Letters To Young Writers

Author: Sharifah Nadirah
Publisher: The Biblio Press
ISBN: 9789670040820
Page: 116 m/s
Year: 2024
Price: RM28

Writing often can be a lonely path and we seek inspiration from various sources, some broaden their horizons by listening, some open to ideologues and philosophies of other writers and some they stick to the sacred purpose of their writings.

A writer should not go forth with an absent mind, numb feelings, or emotionlessly write with по imagination or navigation. The writer's soul needs to discover one's identity, dream and yearn for possibilities, chase opportunities, learn to deal with lunacy, and make sense of insanity to gather people towards unity and harmony.

Be true to your writing and, most importantly, never ever betray the truth in return for possessions and materialism; Together let's work towards dedication and commitment to build the minds and spirits of humankind.
Dr. Abdul Latiff Mohd Ibrahim Head of Research and Publication Division, International Institute of Advanced Islamis Studies (IAIS).

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