Lim Kit Siang: Malaysian First

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Lim Kit Siang: Malaysian First

Author: Kee Thuan Chye
Publisher: Landmark Books
ISBN: 9789811822032
Weight: 0.6kg
Pages: 400pp
Year: 2021
Price: RM80

Lim Kit Siang, doyen of the Democratic Action Party (DAP) is a much misunderstood and little-known man. To some, he is a scourge because his political opponents falsely proclaim him to be anti-Malay and anti-Islam. To his supporters, he is the heroic fighter for democracy and a country for all Malaysians, regardless of race or religion, a visionary who has dedicated his life to pursuing his dream of a multiracial, multilingual and multicultural Malaysia. By and large, however, the public see only the demon, not the man; the icon, not the human being.

Kee Thuan Chye's biography of Lim Kit Siang humanises him. Full of drama, humour and heart - and cheeky asides - it tells the story of the outspoken politician and the private family man. It recounts the battles he has lost and won, the betrayals he has suffered and the sacrifices he has made, and explores the deep bond he shares with his family, friends and comrades. Above all, it gives insightful understanding of what makes Lim Kit Siang Lim Kit Siang.

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