Living Miracle: Thematic Analysis of the Qur’an

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Living Miracle: Thematic Analysis of the Qur’an

Author: Mohamed Ariff
Publisher: Islamic Book Trust 
ISBN: 9789672795018
Weight: 0.45kg
Pages: 357pp
Year: 2022
Price: RM58

So much has already been written about the Qur’an that one might wonder what the added value of this volume is. The Heavenly Message is so unique that nothing said about it is ever enough. The Qur’an is so rich in its content that readers could discover newer insights on every revisit. Much would also depend on the angle from which one dives into it. What’s unique about this book is the thematic approach the author has adopted to his content analysis, with a clear storyline starting with the genesis of creation and leading to the endgame—from the beginning of time to the end of time.

This book is essentially about what the Qur’an has to say about itself, Allah Almighty’s mercy and prowess, His creation, His messengers, spirituality premised on divine guidance, our remembrance of the Creator with supplications, earthly life, the hereafter, and mysteries and secrets of the unseen and unknown. The author has backed up his analysis with scientific evidence and
excerpts from Hadith. The author believes that this book will help readers open their hearts and minds and ignite their appetite to delve deeply into the Qur’an on their own.

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