Malay Historical Thought

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Malay Historical Thought

Author:  Hussain Othman
Publisher: Penerbit UTHM
ISBN: 9789832963806
Weight: 0.386 kg
Pages: 250
Year: 2009
Price: RM 28

The historical awareness among Indonesians flourished long ago and precisely since the end of 1957. The first Indonesian seminar on history held in Jogjakarta during the same year stressed the importance of developing a national concept of history based on certain proper foundations. In Malaysia, however the and UTM. However, we believe that this book is also suitable for all historical awareness that seemed to be dampened with many other social and political circumstances. In comparison, the awareness did not flourish prior to 1957. During which the Indonesians were already on the track, the Malaysians were, unfortunately, struggling to develop a newly independent country. In fact, during those times the intellectual legacies of the British colonies were easily subscribed in order to understand Malay history. As a result, numerous misunderstandings and misconceptions fabricated by colonial intellectual masterminds became rampantly widespread among thoughts of the Malays. This fact ultimately explained the relevance of this book to Malay intellectual development in the present day.

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