Management of Resources in Muslim Countries and Communities Challenges and Prospects
Editors : Hassan Ahmed Ibrahim, Rafikul Islam
Publisher: IIUM Press
ISBN: 9789674182274
Weight: 0.4kg
Pages: 264pp
Year: 2012
Price: RM59
Management of Resources in Muslim Countries and Communities: Challenges and Prospects comprises selected papers that were presented in a recent conference organised by the International Institute of Muslim Unity (IMU) of the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Despite the fact that the Muslim world is blessed with enormous natural resources such as: fertile lands, water, gold, oil, uranium, minerals and hard working masses, a vast majority of Muslim countries have yet to deliver the goods to their people. It is for this main reason that the conference focused on resource management in the Muslim world and critically examined the performance in this area and aimed at making appropriate recommendations to meet the challenges facing the Muslim ummah in the 21st century. The conference explored the issues pertaining to the utilization of resources and identified the ways and means to put them into good and efficient use. It is a known fact that these resources namely, material (e.g., petroleum, gas, gold, timber, etc), financial and human are aplenty in many of the Muslim countries. And yet, we find most of them have not been fully utilized. The major thrust of the conference was discussions and deliberations among the presenters and participants, who came from all over the world, on how to make effective and efficient usage of all kinds of resources in the Muslim countries
Hassan Ahmed Ibrahim, Ph.D. (1970) in History, the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, is currently Professor of History at the Department of History and Civilization and the Dean of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). He has been engaged in the world of academia since 1970, and worked for several African, Middle Eastern, American and Asian universities. His research interests include the history of the Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Islamic revivalism. He has published extensively in Arabic and English, including his book Sayyid Abd al-RahmÄn al-Mahdi: A Study of Neo-Mahdism in the Sudan, 1899-1956 (Leiden: EJ. Brill, 2004), and co-edited abook entitled The Hadhrami Diaspora in South East Asia: Identity Maintenance or Assimilation (Leiden: EJ. Brill. 2009).
Rafikul Islam received his M.Sc. degree in Applied Mathematics from the University of Calcutta in 1988. Subsequently, he obtained his Ph.D. in Operations Research from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur in 1996. Presently, he is working as a Professor at the Department of Business Administration, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Previously, he held the positions of Head, Department of Business Administration (2005 - 2006) and Deputy Dean (Academic Affairs) (2007 - 2010) at the Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences of NUM. He was also a University Senate Member for two years (2009-2010). He received the MIUM Quality Research Award (university level) and Outstanding Researcher Award (faculty level), in the year 2006 and 2008, respectively. Dr. Islam's research areas include Multiple Criteria Decision Making Operations and Quality Management.
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