​Memoir of Takao Fusayama : A Japanese Soldier in Malaya & Sumatera​

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Memoir of Takao Fusayama : A Japanese Soldier in Malaya & Sumatera

Author: Takoa Fusayama

Publisher: UKM Press

ISBN: 9789579423425

Year: 2025

Weight: 0.4 kg

Pages: 169 ms

Price: RM30

TAKAO FUSAYAMA was born in 1916 in Gifu, Japan. In 1938 he graduated from Tokyo Medical and Dental University. Then he was called to the army service which was required from all Japanese youth. Under the army service he joined the Imperial Guard Division which was mobilized abroad for two years. The Japanese Force began to march south from French Indochina when the Pacific war broke out on 8 Dec 1941. The imperial Guard Division was ordered to join the Malaya operation. Dr. Takao Fusayama advanced through Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaya, Singapore and Sumatera for Asia Liberation as a Radio Platoon Leader of the Divisional Signal Unit. He speaks English, German, a little Chinese and Indonesian; thus he was able to communicate with the inhabitants to know their thoughts and lives. All this was put down in the diary and later rewritten as this memoir. At present he is the Emeritus Professor of Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan.

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