Memories Not Memoir: A 20 Month of Education Reform

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Memories Not Memoir: A 20 Month of Education Reform

Author: Maszlee Malik
Publisher: SIRD Publication
ISBN: 9789672464358
Weight: 0.5kg
Pages: 376pp
Year: 2021
Price: RM60

The blessing that is education has enabled us to both find this book and allowed the book itself to be written. A simple yet essential glimpse of how different our lives would be without education. That’s how crucially entwined our fate is with education. (I took some liberties here as the direct translation sounds staccato in English)

Education and its deeply entrenched issues are discussed in several chapters, arranged from the most important stakeholders which is the spirit of education itself, followed by society, the children, parents, teachers, lecturers, schools, scholars, and institutions.

Recalling MEMORIES AND NOT A MEMOIR in the writing of this book also calls up explanations for the many an accusation faced during the 20 months at the Ministry of Education Malaysia. This book serves as the evidence repository of the 20-month reformation efforts going beyond the sensationalized and politicized topics of Jawi and black shoes. This book is my witness.

Once – the educational reformational effort was begun, and now it must continue!

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