​Mental Health In Malaysia: Issues And Concerns

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Mental Health In Malaysia: Issues And Concerns

Author/Editor: Amber Haque

Publisher: UM Press

ISBN: 9831000919

Weight: 300

Pages: 262

Year: 2000

Price: RM30

Mental Health In Malaysia has seen substantial growth since independence. As a result, new programs in different places have emerged in the country and new challenges brought to the fore. However, there remains a dire need to assess the progress and deficiencies in the various areas of mental health. In addition, a whole range of research issues remain that need to be explored.

For the first time, mental health experts from Malaysia have addressed areas crucial to the provision of care in mental health. Special population groups, like children, women, elderly, and drug addicts are discussed. Religious perspectives of the Malay, Hindu, Buddhist, and Christian cultures are covered. The role played by various non-governmental agencies is also discussed.

This work should be of special interest to the mental health professionals like psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and counselors in academic as well as practice settings. It is also of benefit to students in these and other related areas. This book can also be a useful source of information for the average reader interested in mental health issues in this country. The findings and recommendation would be especially useful for mental health administrators and policy makers.

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