Military Strategy: A Global History

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Military Strategy: A Global History - Hardcover

Author: Jeremy Black
Publisher: Yale University Press
ISBN: 9780300217186
Weight: 0.444
Pages: 306pp
Year: 2020
Price: RM189

Strategy has existed as long as there has been organised conflict. In this new account, Jeremy Black explores the ever-changing relationship between purpose, force, implementation, and effectiveness in military strategy and its dramatic impact on the development of the global power system.
Taking a “total” view of strategy, Black looks at leading powers—notably the United States, China, Britain, and Russia—in the wider context of their competition and their domestic and international strengths. Ranging from France’s ancien régime and Britain’s empire building to present-day conflicts in the Middle East, Black devotes particular attention to the strategic practice and decisions of the Kangxi Emperor, Clausewitz, Napoleon, and Hitler.

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