Minhajul Abidin: The Best Way for the Worshippers

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Minhajul Abidin: The Best Way for the Worshippers

Author: Al-Ghazali

Translator: Iqbal Hussain Ansari

Publisher: Dar Al Wahi Publication

ISBN: 9789670729152

Pages: 414 pages

Widely considered to be Al-Ghazali’s last book, the Minhaj al-Abidin, is the summary of his philosophy which charts the pitfalls and obstacle to be overcome in order to enter the kingdom of Heaven. Dictating his words to a group of elect students, Ghazali acknowledges his own nearness to death and instructs seekers of eternal life to resist hindrances such as fear and impairments such as conceit in order to find salvation in the essentials of God.

This books is considered by many as a summary of Al-Ghazali’s Ihya Ulum ad Deen (The Revival of the Religious Sciences) which is widely regarded as one of the great works for the Self-Development of Muslims and has for centuries been a widely read and respected work in the Muslim world.

Imam Al-Ghazali dictated this book to a very few and selected students in his very last days.

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