​Misguided Democracy in Malaysia and Indonesia: Digital Propaganda in Southeast Asia

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Misguided Democracy in Malaysia and Indonesia: Digital Propaganda in Southeast Asia

Author: Nuurrianti Jalli & Ika Idris
Publisher: Gerak Budaya
ISBN: 9786297575209
Year: 2024
Price: RM49

Misguided Democracy in Malaysia and Indonesia: Digital Propaganda in Southeast Asia examines the weaponization of the internet in Southeast Asia. Nuurrianti Jalli and Ika Idris meticulously unpack the intricate strategies and tactics used by propagandists, state entities, and political factions to manipulate and mislead public opinion through social media. The topics discussed cover the role disinformation plays in altering electoral behavior, political dialogue, societal unity, regional stability, and global diplomacy. By guiding readers through the convoluted landscape of internet propaganda in Southeast Asia, this book aspires to stimulate thoughtful discourse on the influential role of the digital revolution in molding the future of our societies.

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