​Modern Day Qur'anic Guidance: A Contemporary Guide For Modern Day Issue

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Modern Day Qur'anic Guidance: A Contemporary Guide For Modern Day Issue

Author: Ehsanul Karim

Publisher: A. S. Noordeen

ISBN: 9789830652092

Pages: 455pp

Price: RM43

The Holy Quran, the scripture of Islam, is the book of God's guidance for mankind in all aspects of his life. This guidance scattered throughout the Quran is designed to help the believers of all times -- medieval, present and future until the Doomsday. In the book, Modern Day Quranic Guidance, the author who is a professional engineer, has compiled the Divine guidance and messages given in the Quran under vary many subjects and cited the verses (in their English translation) on each specific subject. The book provides the essence and message of the Quran in a simple, practical format to be read and understood by the people of all degrees of faith from every type of background. It will help especially the people of modern time when dealing with contemporary problems. It will also provide the researchers in Islam with an easy access to the verses related to the subjects of their research

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