​Muhammad SAW Light and Peace for Humanity: A Fresh Approach

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Muhammad SAW Light and Peace for Humanity: A Fresh Approach

Author: Hussein Ghubash

Translator: Habib Bewley

Publisher: Islamic Book Trust

ISBN: 9789670526683

Pages: 334pp

Year: 2019

Weight: 0.484kg

Price: RM37

There are many biographies of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) in almost every language of the world, so why write a new one? What can be added to what has already been written?

Every age has its own unique language, terminology and readership, and this age is no exception. The language people use and understand has changed, and the majority are no longer equipped to fully understand the classical, historical, narrative-based language used in most works of Sīra. This acts as a barrier to accessing the Muhammadan lessons and spiritual awakenings. This biography is therefore written in as contemporary a style as possible, without being overly simplistic, in order to bring to life these divine lessons and lights.

This factor alone—although there are many others—justifies producing a contemporary Sīra that extracts the material from the historical sources and paints in modern terms a true and accurate picture of the life of our noble Prophet that sheds new light on the course of events. In doing so, it aims to be as concise as possible while leaving the divine Muhammadan core intact.

Through the Prophet’s life and words, the Qur’ān is brought into the world of form, and when sincere Muslims study that life in all its glorious details, relive its events, and return to the source of the pure spring of Islam, their faith is strengthened and purified.

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