Multicultural Counselling: Engaging with Culture and Diversity

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Multicultural Counselling: Engaging with Culture and Diversity

Author: Rafidah Aga Mohd Jaladin Aziz
Publisher: UM Press
ISBN: 9789674883300
Pages: 291
Year: 2024
Price: RM68

As societies continue to evolve into rich tapestries of different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, the need for culturally competent counselling becomes increasingly imperative. “Multicultural Counselling: Engaging with Culture and Diversity” serves as an indispensable compass for navigating the complexities of counselling in a multicultural context. This book presents a dynamic exploration of the intersection between counselling, culture, and diversity. With an emphasis on active engagement, it provides a roadmap for fostering meaningful connections with clients from diverse backgrounds. In this book, Dr Rafidah expertly guides readers through the intricacies of multicultural counselling, offering not only the “knowing what” aspects of counselling in a multicultural context, but a hands-on approach to navigating the ever-evolving landscape of cultural diversity. From developing multicultural competence to navigating the nuances of identity, this book equips counsellors (pre-service and in-service), therapists, and mental health professionals with the tools and insights needed to build authentic relationships with clients of all backgrounds. Through insightful case studies, practical strategies, and evidence-based approaches, readers will gain a deep understanding of the importance of cultural humility and responsiveness in the counselling process. Dr Rafidah guides mental health professionals, students, and educators on a transformative journey towards becoming effective multicultural counsellors. The book encourages readers to reflect on their own cultural biases, fostering self-awareness as a cornerstone for building authentic and meaningful therapeutic relationships. It also emphasizes the need for active, empathetic engagement that goes beyond stereotypes and assumptions. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a student entering the field, this book is an essential companion for anyone seeking to enhance their multicultural counselling skills. “Multicultural Counselling: Engaging with Culture and Diversity “ is not just a guide; it is a call to action, challenging readers to embrace diversity as a powerful catalyst for personal and professional growth. With its thoughtful insights and actionable strategies, this book empowers counsellors to create inclusive spaces where individuals from all walks of life can find support, understanding, and healing. Prepare to embark on a journey that will forever transform the way you approach counselling in our diverse and interconnected world.

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