​Multiple Research Issues In English Language Studies

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Multiple Research Issues In English Language Studies

Author/Editor: Pramela Krish & Kemboja Ismail

Publisher: UKM Press

ISBN: 9789674123550

Weight: 200g

Pages: 136

Year: 2017

Price: RM30

The book reports on research carried out by recent postgraduate students from the MA programme in English Language, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, UKM. The interdisciplinary approach adopted by these postgraduate students has positioned the relevance and importance of the emerging platforms in ELS research. The chapters in this book, co-authored by the postgraduate students with their supervisors reflect the multiple perspectives in research in language studies ranging from strategies that teacher use to teach and how students innovate learning to the use of language at the workplace and in society. It also delves into the impact of applying technology in learning and practising English through self-expressions. The book is valuable addition to the growing number of scholarly contributions on Research in English Language Studies.

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