My Life In Safety: Lessons In Performance Improvement

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My Life In Safety: Lessons In Performance Improvement

Author: Krishna M Bala

Publisher: Gerakbudaya

ISBN: 9789670311753



Price: RM50

In the journey to improve performance in the field of safety, it is a sobering reality that input does not always equal output. That is the unique and ever-present challenge faced by leaders, managers and safety professionals in any industry that has a significant element of operational risk – industries where workers’ lives are at stake. In a novel approach to addressing this dilemma, My Life in Safety treats this as a change management project, requiring synergy between people, plant and process to deliver the desired outcomes. What it offers is a tried and tested mental model that enables a systematic approach to the attainment of the ultimate objective of achieving “Zero”. The Flow consists of a framework of tools, synthesising the author’s four decades in operational, transformational and safety roles. It is a short and light read in a chatty personal style with concepts supported by the author’s experiences and insights.

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