​On Muslim Democracy: Essays and Dialogue

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On Muslim Democracy: Essays and Dialogue

Author: Rached Ghannouchi & Andrew F March
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780197666876
Weight: 0.4kg
Pages: 248 pp
Year: 2023
Price: RM418

On Muslim Democracy… offers us a critical insight into the shifts in Rached Ghannouchi’s thinking, the ideas post Arab Spring and Tunisian intellectual responses to resurgent authoritarianism. The essays will stimulate debate in the wider world in a way not too dissimilar from the debate that they have sparked in Tunisia.

While the book can be characterised in part as post-Islamism literature, which seeks to understand social, intellectual and political changes and dynamics after Islamist idealism has come and gone, it also offers an alternative vision for democracy, which exists outside 

Western intellectual norms, while also thinking about what those Western norms mean in the context of a Muslim democratic framework. Political theorists and philosophers will certainly have much to chew over, and more general readers interested in Muslim political thought and democracy will find a useful guide into one possible approach to the subject.

 It will also dispel myths about Ghannouchi in the English-speaking world and give policymakers and analysts direct access to his works and ideas. It is, I believe, an essential read for all those concerned with Tunisia’s future.

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