Online Language Learning Culture: Building A Sustainable Education

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Online Language Learning Culture: Building A Sustainable Education

Author: Abdelrahman Ibrahim Suleiman Islaieh, Zulkarnin Zakaria.
Publisher: USIM Press
ISBN: 9789670001197
Page: 183 m/s
Year: 2022
Price: RM48

This book is a collection of works that examines the impact of technology in language learning in contemporary education.

It looks at various issues facing the teachers and their efforts in making learning more effective and meaningful for the students.

The chapters also review the culture that is being adopted in the normal classroom and the online language learning settings.

There are many dimensions and backdrops discussed in this book because it covers different groups of students with their unique needs and requirements.  

The  authors  do  celebrate  the  multiple  platforms and applications available today and cherish the uniqueness and beauty  of  the  new  online language  learning  culture  the  world  is  having today.

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