​Pedagogical Research Practices In Higher Learning Institutions In Malaysia

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Pedagogical Research Practices In Higher Learning Institutions In Malaysia

Author/Editor: Zuwati Hasim • Roger Bernard

Publisher: UM Press

ISBN: 9789831008959

Weight: 200g


Year: 2016

Price: RM48

This book makes an important contribution to understanding teaching in institutions of higher learning. All academics are expected to research and publish within their disciplinary areas, but less attention has been paid to encouraging them to research their own pedagogic practices. The authors of the seven case studies in this volume are Malaysian academics who have published research in fields as diverse as Engineering, Business Studies, Educational Management and Academic English. They have also introduced innovations into their academic teaching, and have sought to systematically investigate the effects of these reforms on their students and their own practice through a range of action research projects. By doing so, they have provided a greater understanding of the complexity of teaching and learning in tertiary education. Their findings and research procedures have considerable implications for all academics wishing to investigate their teaching, not only in Malaysia but in comparable settings elsewhere.

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