Penang: The Fourth Presidency of India 1805–1830, Volume One: Ships, Men and Mansions

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Penang: The Fourth Presidency of India 1805–1830, Volume One: Ships, Men and Mansions

Author: Marcus Langdon
Publisher : Areca Books
ISBN: 9789675719073
Page: 493 m/s
Year: 2013
Price: RM150

By Marcus Langdon.

A little over two centuries ago, Penang became the fourth most important settlement – a presidency – of the British East India Company’s Indian territories. The fateful decision changed Penang’s future forever, reshaping it into a key player in the international trade network linking Europe with India and China.

The first of a three-volume series, Penang: The Fourth Presidency of India presents an in-depth and compelling narrative of this fascinating period in history, focusing specifically on the role shipbuilding played, the leading political personalities, and two historic buildings that highlight the struggles, successes and failures of the early settlement. Illustrated with several never-before-seen paintings, engravings and maps, the volume and those to follow will be the authoritative reference for historians and general reader for generations to come.

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