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Perak and The Malays

Author: Major Fred McNair

Publisher: Silverfish Books

ISBN : 9789833221981

Weight: 0.415 kg

Pages: 316pp

Price : RM 60

This Malayan State, it will be remembered, came into public notice in 1875-76, through the murder there of the British Resident, and the despatch by our Government of a combined naval and military force to exact satisfaction for the outrage.

As I accompanied the Governor of the Straits Settlements on his progress through the country just prior to the disturbances, and was also with the force subsequently sent there, I enjoyed exceptional opportunities for observation, of which I availed myself, in making the notes which have since been embodied in this work.

I may say in addition, that my general knowledge of the manners and customs of the Malays has been acquired during a residence of over twenty years in the Straits Settlements.

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