Philosophies of Religion: A Global and Critical Introduction

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Philosophies of Religion: A Global and Critical Introduction

Author: Timothy Knepper
Publisher: Bloomsbury
ISBN: 9781350262966
Weight: 0.8 kg
Pages: 476 pp
Year: 2023

In this global introduction to philosophy of religion you begin not with a single tradition, but with religious philosophies from East Asia, South Asia, West Africa, and Native North America, alongside the classical Abrahamic and modern European traditions.

Matching this diversity of traditions, chapters are organized around questions that acknowledge there is no single understanding of any god or ultimate reality. Instead you approach six different traditions of philosophizing about religion by asking questions about the journeys of both the self and the cosmos such as “What is my path?” and “Where did the cosmos come from?” Accompanied by introductory materials and an extensive glossary, each chapter includes learning objectives, questions for discussion, and suggested primary and secondary sources. The categories of religion and philosophy are interrogated throughout.

Equipped with study tools and universal questions about the self and the cosmos, Philosophies of Religion: A Global and Critical Introduction shows you how to philosophize about religions around the world.

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