​Politics: A Survivor’s Guide - How to Stay Engaged without Getting Enraged

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Politics: A Survivor’s Guide - How to Stay Engaged without Getting Enraged - Hardback

Author: Rafael Behr
Publisher: Atlantic Books
ISBN: 9781838955045
Pages: 404pp
Year: 2023
Price: RM148

***Chosen as a 2023 Non-Fiction highlight in the Guardian, New Statesman and Irish Times***

We live in an age of fury and confusion. A new crisis erupts before the last one has finished: financial crisis, Brexit, pandemic, war in Ukraine, inflation, strikes. Prime Ministers come and go but politics stays divided and toxic.

It is tempting to switch off the news, tune out and hope things will get back to normal. Except, this is the new normal, and our democracy can only work if enough people stay engaged without getting enraged. But how?To answer that question, award-winning journalist Rafael Behr takes the reader on a personal journey from despair at the state of politics to hope that there is a better way of doing things, with insights drawn from three decades as a political commentator and foreign correspondent.

"I couldn't love Rafael Behr's writing more ... Passionate, clever, and often very funny" – Marina Hyde

"A great work of political analysis" – Rory Stewart, The Rest Is Politics podcast's Non-Fiction Book of the Year

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