​Practices of Public Administration in Malaysia

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Practices of Public Administration in Malaysia

Editor: Kuppusamy Singaravelloo Raja Noriza Raja Ariffin Loo-See Beh

Publisher: UM Press

ISBN: 9789674881108


Year: 2019


Price: RM50

This book is a pioneering endeavor on practices of public administration in Malaysia. The book is essential for students as well as the general readership who might be interested in major issues of public administration in a variety of substantive policy sectors. It offers a general background and critically review recent and important aspects of public administration and policies in promoting recent innovation and startups, rooted in the background of SMEs, as well as advocating better governance in urban policies, local government practices, environmental issues, healthcare system and its reforms as addressed by the various authors in the book. This book will also help researchers, practitioners, and the public in getting better insights in various aspects of public administration on the past developments as well as in recent years and possible direction it could take in the future in decision-making and policy formulation given the evaluation and contemporary dynamics of political and administrative relations in public administration.

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