Ibn Arabi: The Voyage of No Return

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Ibn Arabi: The Voyage of No Return

Author/Editor: Claude Addas

Publisher: Islamic Text Society

ISBN: 9781911141402

Weight: 0.195kg

Pages: 148pp

Year: 2019

Price: RM90

Ibn Arabi: The Voyage of No Return traces the major events of Ibn Arabi's life: his conversion to Sufism; his travels around Andalusia and the Maghreb; his meetings with the saints of his time; his journey to Mecca; and his travels in Egypt, Palestine, Mesopotamia, Anatolia and Syria. Through her detailed analysis of Ibn Arabi's works and her profound understanding of his ideas, Dr. Claude Addas gives us comprehensive insight into the major doctrines of this most influential of Sufi masters. She also introduces the main disciples of Ibn Arabi down to the nineteenth century, and traces both his unequalled influence on the course of Sufism and the controversies that still surround him today.

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