​Qualitative Research: Data Collection And Data Analysis Techniques (2nd Edition)

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Qualitative Research: Data Collection And Data Analysis Techniques (2nd Edition)

Editor: Puvenesvary Muthiah, R. Sivabala Naidu, Mastura Badzis,Noor Fadhilah Mat Nayan, Radziah Abdul Rahim & Noor Hashima Abdul Aziz

Publisher: UUM Press

ISBN: 9789672363415

Weight: 300

Pages: 193

Year: 2020

Price: RM40

Qualitative Research: Data Collection & Data Analysis Techniques (2nd Edition) has been systematically revised with additional content, more in-depth explanations, and latest references to enhance the knowledge and skills required for those interested in conducting qualitative research.

The reader-friendly organisation and writing style of this edition provides guaranteed accessibility to a wide array of readers ranging from established scholars to novice researchers and undergraduates.

Each chapter in this edition is set to provide a clear, contextualised and comprehensive coverage of the main qualitative research methods (interviews, focus groups, observations, diary studies, archival document analysis, and content analysis) aimed at equipping readers with a thorough understanding of the design, procedures and skills to effectively undertake qualitative research. At the same time, the authors have anticipated major concerns such as ethical issues that qualitative researchers often face and addressed them in the various chapters.

This effort has been made possible through the collaboration involving notable qualitative research scholars from different tertiary institutions – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Puvensvary Muthiah (ELT Consultant), Dr. R. Sivabala Naidu (Taylor’s College), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mastura Badzis (International Islamic University Malaysia), Dr. Radziah Abdul Rahim (formerly attached to National Defense University of Malaysia), Dr. Noor Fadhilah Mat Nayan (University of Reading), and Assoc. Prof. Noor Hashima Abd Aziz (Universiti Utara Malaysia).

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