Qur'anic Pictures of the Universe - Hardback

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Qur'anic Pictures of the Universe (Hardback)

Author: Osman Bakar

Publisher: Islamic Book Trust/UBD Press

ISBN: 9789670526263

Pages: 215pp

Year: 2016

Weight: 0.363kg

Price: RM70

This book presents a new study of one of the major themes of the Qur’an. The theme of Qur’anic pictures of the universe treated here pertains to as yet a little explored facet of Islamic cosmology. Through this particular thematic study of the Qur’an the author has made a significant contribution to the contemporary understanding of the scriptural foundation of Islamic cosmology and the present discourse on epistemology of scientific exegesis (tafsir ‘ilmy) of the Qur’an. The book offers many new insights that will prove particularly helpful to those interested in deepening their understanding of Qur’anic perspectives on cosmology, the natural sciences, and religion and science.

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