Re-envisioning Islamic Scholarship: Maqasid Methodology as a New Approach

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Re-envisioning Islamic Scholarship: Maqasid Methodology as a New Approach

Author: Jasser Auda
Publisher: Claritas Books
ISBN: 9781800119772
Weight: 0.5 kg
Page: 284
Year: 2021

Re-envisioning Islamic Scholarship is a pioneering and timely contribution that deserves wide readership. Jasser Auda masterfully focalises the Quran and Sunnah in a work that integrates scholarship across time and disciplines to demonstrate the connectivity of human thought and action within a purposeful universe of infinite possibilities.

Through a five-step holistic methodology, he urges scholars and practitioners in all fields of knowledge and endeavour to seek revelational guidance by performing continuous cycles of reflection on the revelation that reveal this connectivity.

Here, the maqasid or objectives of revelational guidance manifest through a process of emergence that is premised on deep understandings of the concepts, objectives, values, commands, universal laws, groups and proofs that implicitly or explicitly shape our understandings and help re-envision research agendas, educational institutes and organisational strategies.

In a world that has become accustomed to individualism, inequality, fragmentation and loss of meaning this book is a paradigm shift, a beacon of light and a very welcome guide to a better future for humanity.

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